Alyssa Minton: Putting the “Student” in Student Athlete

Lydia W. '26

Alyssa Minton is a senior at OLSH and a year round athlete. Alyssa is a member of our volleyball team, basketball team, and softball team. She will be attending Duquesne in the fall, studying to be a pharmacist.  


Q: What are all the activities you do at OLSH?

A: “Volleyball, softball, basketball, NCHS, Student Ambassadors, Marian Group, Project Linus, student government, OLSH Affairs, Junior Achievement, and prom committee”

Q: How do you balance doing all of these activities?

A: “Teachers help me out, and my parents and friends are a great support system.”

Q: What is the most challenging part of being in all of these activities?

A: “Time management because some activities have time conflicts.” 

Q: What’s the hardest class to keep up with?

A: “AP Stats.”

Q: What is your favorite activity and why?

A: “Sports; it’s a good time to get away from school and hang out with friends.”

Q: How long have you been doing each of these activities?

A: “I’ve been doing volleyball, basketball, and softball since I was about 4.”

Q: Why/how did you get into basketball, softball, and volleyball?

A: “My parents put me in them when I was young and I just stuck with them.”

Q: What is the most rewarding activity you do?

A: “Project Linus because I can help give back to the community.” 

Q: What college are you going to? Do you plan on doing any of these activities in college?

A: “Duquesne. I’ll still play sports, but it will be club or intramural.”

Q: What career path are you interested in?

A: “I’m planning on becoming a pharmacist.”

Q: What does your typical day look like? 

A: “Pretty basic…I wake up, go to school, go to whatever activity I have, and then go home to do homework.”

Q: What/who motivates you?

A: “God.”

Q:What advice do you have for underclassmen trying to balance sports, school, and activities?

A: “Don’t be afraid to lean on ur parents, teachers, and friends even if ur scared to do it, that’s what they are there for.”

Q: What goals are you working towards?

A: “ I want a good, successful career and a big house and family.

Q: Any major accomplishments you are proud of?

A: “Highest honors/straight A’s all 4 years; we went the farthest for basketball and WPIAL runner ups; for softball we were WPIAL semifinals section champs twice, and are in the state playoffs for the first time right now; and all section for volleyball twice .”


Good luck at Duquesne, Alyssa!